Perangkat Mengajar (Silabus-RPP)

International Curriculum for Schools

The Global Assessment Certificate is a Foundation Course that offers exciting new options for schools wishing to provide an International Curriculum for their students. This program can be taught in your school and allow you to provide a Dual Curriculum - Local plus International Curriculum. This will provide your students with the widest scope for future studies currently possible.

Are you teaching, or would you like to teach an
International Curriculum in your school?

* Is providing pathways to international universities a major concern for your school or institution?

* Is creating your own international curriculum to meet the requirement s of an overseas organization causing headaches for you or your staff?

* Are you tired of scheduling your examinations to suit overseas exam timetables?

* Would you like to be provided with a fully operational curriculum that includes Teachers' Books, Student Books, and other materials ready to teach?

* Would you like to have in-country professionals providing support - when you need it?

* Would you like to be part of a truly International Network?

* Do your students want guaranteed access to a wide range of international universities based upon their performance?

* Will your students obtain an ACT Assessment® score as well as a Grade Point Average (GPA)? Does your curriculum prepare your students for the IELTS or TOEFL exams? Even though universities may accept graduates from foundation programs, some embassies still insist upon an IELTS or TOEFL score.

* Can your students gain up to one year of credit at some of the Pathway Universities? Large savings in tuition fees and living expenses.

* Does your current international studies program in any way limit the educational options or career paths for your students domestically?