Perangkat Mengajar (Silabus-RPP)


Hello all teachers and all my friends ...
Welcome to my blog, God bless you !

I am sure that you are very bussy to make syllabus and Lesson Plans (rpp).
Here, you can find it. I want to give all for yours.

As an educator you'll find that there are workshops on just about every subject you can think of, and then some. One of the workshops that you will probably be invited to attend at least once a school year is on planning your lessons. You will likely be offered a free lesson plan for teacher for coming, which can be very beneficial. Even if you do not purchase any of the software or tools that are offered at the workshop you may come away with some great ideas that will help you out a bit in the planning process.

Is the teacher is not able to write or not write? The answer surely various fad. In reality, however, that very few teachers who write. Isn't to write in the mass media, journals or other, to make a paper submitted in the promotion course, many who can not. Ironically again, to make implementation of the Learning Plan (RPP) are many hands that lift. Conditions like this certainly is concern for us. In fact, teachers have to make the paper - one of the elements of professional development-that would quickly move up. According to the news that I received during the Workshop Teacher Guide KKG SD LPMP in Central Java on 13-16 August 2008 will have new rules about the promotion through the credit number.

Free Syllabus (Silabus) and Lesson Plans (RPP) for Junior High School (SMP) level especially for Indonesian teachers, all files are in PDF format which can be open by using some application software, try to install Adobe Acrobat Reader or Adobe Reader to your computer first, download one of those software from this page, ok?

And you must now, this my file still in zip, so you must extrac it.
Okey, please read and download it!

Good luck for yours ...

  1. Geografi , Kelas 7 , Kelas 8 , Kelas 9
  2. Ekonomi , Kelas 7 , Kelas 8 , Kelas 9
  3. Matematika , Kelas 7, Kelas 8 , Kelas 9 atau Klic disini!
  4. Pkn untuk Kelas VII Silabus , RPP, Kelas VIII Silabus, RPP, Kelas IX Silabus, RPP
  5. Biologi Kelas 7, Kelas 8 , Kelas 9
  6. Bahasa Inggris , Kelas VII , Kelas VIII , Kelas IX
  7. Sejarah Kelas 7 , Kelas 8, Kelas 9
  8. IPA terpadu Kelas
  9. IPA Fisika untuk Kelas 7, Kelas 8 , Kelas 9
  10. Bahasa Indonesia Kelas
  11. IPA Kimia untuk Kelas
  12. Sosiologi untuk Kelas 7 , Kelas 8 , Kelas 9
  13. Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi TIK, Kelas 7, Kelas 8, Kelas 9
  14. Pendidikan Seni Budaya Kelas 7,8,9 Seni Musik, Seni Rupa, Seni Tari, Seni Teater
  15. Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI), Kelas 7, Kelas 8 , Kelas 9
  16. IPS Terpadu TAG : Kelas 7, Kelas 8 , Kelas 9
  17. Pendidikan Jasmani, Olahraga dan Kesehatan Kelas 7, Kelas 8 , Kelas 9
  18. Bahasa Arab MTs kelas 1
  19. Fiqih MTs kelas 1
  20. Fiqih MTs kelas 2
  21. Fiqih MTs kelas 3
  22. Qur'an Hadis MTs kelas 1
  23. Qur'an Hadis MTs kelas 2
Silabus dan RPP lainnya, silakan ! Klic disini

One of the most exciting trends right now is computerized lesson plans. There is software that offers fully planned software on just about any subject as well as free lesson plan for teacher templates or forms. One of the most informative and helpful software options can be found on where you'll find fully planned lessons on every subject that you can think of and then some. This is very high caliber software that will allow every teacher to take a deep breath, relax, and enjoy teaching again!